A small garden is still a garden: Why small territory isn't an issue for those who want to try gardening

30.07.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

You don't actually have to have a huge territory to start a garden and try a new hobby.

The minimum size for a garden can vary depending on various factors, including the purpose of the garden, the types of plants you wish to grow, and your personal preferences. 

While there is no fixed minimum size, here are some general considerations.

Container Gardens

If you have limited space, container gardens can be a great option. 

You can grow plants in pots, planters, or raised beds on a balcony, patio, or small yard. 

little plant

Container gardens allow you to maximize space efficiently.

Small Plot Gardens

For traditional in-ground gardens, a small plot of around 4 feet by 4 feet can be sufficient for growing a few vegetables, herbs, or flowers.


Microgardens are tiny gardening spaces designed to make the most of small areas. 

These gardens can be as small as a few square feet and are often used for vertical gardening or growing small herbs and greens.

Windowsill Gardens

Even if you have no outdoor space, you can still have a garden on your windowsill. 

Windowsill gardens are perfect for growing small herbs and compact plants indoors.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Container Gardens
  2. Small Plot Gardens
  3. Microgardens
  4. Windowsill Gardens