Snapdragon: Secrets of Growing

06.12.2023 14:26
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

This plant loves sunlight, so its health, growth rate and flowering time are all related to how much light it receives.

How long does snapdragon bloom

When grown from seedlings, snapdragons bloom in June.

If you follow these simple requirements for growing snapdragons through seedlings, then this beautiful flower will delight and decorate your flower garden, house, balcony, terrace with long and lush flowering throughout the summer until the very first frost.

How to sow snapdragon seeds correctly

In order for the flowers to be large and delight with their color for a long time, it is necessary to plant snapdragons in a well-lit place.

There is no need to sprinkle the seeds with soil. Cover the container with a transparent lid, cling film or wrap it in a bag.


Place the container with the crops in a warm place with a temperature of 22 to 27 degrees.

In addition, additional lighting will be needed for seed germination.

Do I need to prune snapdragons for the winter

As mentioned above, the flowering of snapdragon is quite long; the bush can be covered with bright buds until the onset of autumn frosts.

If you grow antirrinums as perennials, the bushes need to be radically pruned before the onset of winter, down to a height of 6-7 centimeters.

How to plant snapdragon seeds in the ground

Mix small antirrinum seeds with sand so that they are distributed more evenly over the surface of the soil, sow them, sprinkle with soil, then moisten with a spray bottle and cover the container with film or glass.

Place the greenhouse in a warm and well-lit place.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How long does snapdragon bloom
  2. How to sow snapdragon seeds correctly
  3. Do I need to prune snapdragons for the winter
  4. How to plant snapdragon seeds in the ground