Taking good care of peonies: Gardening tips

25.11.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Peonies are beautiful - they can make your garden or your house look absolutely amazing.

They aren't the hardest flowers to grow, but you still should know some tricks to make your peonies thrive.

Let's find out more on how to keep them healthy and beautiful.


Put peonies in a sunny spot with good soil. Make sure the soil drains well, so the roots don't get too wet.


Give them a good drink when you plant them. After that, water them regularly but don't let the soil get too soggy. They like moist, not waterlogged, soil.


Support the Stems

Peonies have big, heavy flowers, so they might need some support. Use stakes or a hoop to keep them from drooping.


Put a layer of mulch around the base of the plants. This helps keep the soil cool and moist. It also prevents weeds from popping up.


After peonies bloom, remove the faded flowers. 

This is called deadheading. It helps the plant put more energy into making strong roots for the next season.

Cutting Back in Fall

In the fall, after the first frost, cut back the stems to about an inch above the ground. This helps peonies stay healthy.


Give them a bit of fertilizer in the spring, but don't overdo it. Too much fertilizer can lead to lots of leaves but fewer flowers.

Pest Watch

Keep an eye out for ants. They love the sweet nectar on peony buds, but they don't harm the plant. If you see ants, you can gently brush them off.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Planting
  2. Watering
  3. Support the Stems
  4. Mulching
  5. Deadheading
  6. Cutting Back in Fall
  7. Fertilizing
  8. Pest Watch