Vegetables that are hard to grow in colder regions: Pick the best plants for your garden

27.07.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

In colder regions, certain vegetables can be challenging to grow due to their sensitivity to frost, low temperatures, and shorter growing seasons. 

These vegetables require more care, protection, and planning to thrive in colder climates. 

Some vegetables that are generally hard to grow in colder regions include these.


Tomatoes are warm-season vegetables that are highly susceptible to frost damage. 

They require a longer growing season and warmer temperatures to produce ripe fruit. 

cucumber plant

In colder regions, gardeners often start tomatoes indoors early and transplant them outdoors after the last frost date.


Peppers, including bell peppers and chili peppers, are also warm-season vegetables and need adequate warmth to grow and produce fruit. 

They can struggle in colder regions unless provided with proper protection or grown in greenhouses.


Eggplants are heat-loving plants and are sensitive to cold temperatures. 

They require a long, warm growing season to produce well. 

In colder regions, starting eggplant indoors and providing them with additional protection may be necessary.


Cucumbers are sensitive to frost and require warm temperatures for successful growth. 

In colder climates, using raised beds or growing cucumbers in a greenhouse can help extend the growing season.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are tropical plants and require a long, warm growing season. 

Colder regions with shorter summers may not provide enough time for sweet potatoes to fully mature.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Peppers
  3. Eggplant
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Sweet Potatoes