Why not all gardeners need houseplants: Different hobbies, different plants

02.09.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Lots of people assume that gardeners also have lots of houseplants, just because they love taking care of plants so much.

Not every gardener necessarily needs or desires houseplants for several reasons that are related to their individual preferences, lifestyle, or gardening goals. 

Here are some key explanations for why houseplants might not be a priority or suitable for every gardener.

Outdoor Gardening Preference

Certain gardeners are more passionate about outdoor gardening, whether it's cultivating flowers, vegetables, or other plants in a larger outdoor setting. 

They may find greater satisfaction and fulfillment in tending to their outdoor gardens and may not wish to divert their attention and resources to houseplants.


Time Commitment

Houseplants require regular care, including watering, fertilizing, and monitoring for pests. 

Gardeners with busy schedules or those who travel frequently might prefer low-maintenance outdoor gardens over indoor plants that demand consistent attention.

Allergies or Sensitivities

Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to indoor plants, pollen, or mold associated with houseplants. 

In such cases, they might opt to avoid houseplants for health reasons.

Gardening Goals

The goals and objectives of gardeners can vary widely. 

Some may be focused on producing food, while others are passionate about creating beautiful outdoor spaces. 

Houseplants may not align with certain gardening goals.

Plant Compatibility

Not all outdoor gardeners may have the right indoor conditions or space for certain houseplant species, especially those with specific light, humidity, or temperature requirements.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Outdoor Gardening Preference
  2. Time Commitment
  3. Allergies or Sensitivities
  4. Gardening Goals
  5. Plant Compatibility