5 types of dishes that should not be put in the dishwasher: annoying mistakes of inexperienced housewives

03.04.2022 15:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 20:01

Lucky for those housewives who have a dishwasher.

This device greatly simplifies kitchen work and saves a lot of time.

However, not all dishes can be washed in the machine.

There are many items that are better not to put in the device at all.


These kitchen tools should preferably be washed by hand. Moreover, it is not so difficult.

Foto: Pixabay

However, the habit of sending knives to the dishwasher is unlikely to save time. The fact is that later it will take a lot of time to sharpen the tool.

Wooden utensils

Wooden material does not withstand the "processing" in the dishwasher.

Therefore, it is better to wash spoons, plates and boards made of wood in the sink.

Teflon cookware

The situation is the same as in the previous case: too high temperatures and mechanical processing quickly damage the coating.

For this reason, it is advisable to wash non-stick pans yourself. Otherwise, the food will start to burn again.

Plates with pieces of food left on them

At first glance, the dishwasher was invented for this - to clean dishes from food debris.

However, if there are too many of these pieces, then the dishwasher may fail due to blockage.

Expensive dishes

It's not about the proven fact of the negative impact, but about the need to play it safe: you never know what will happen to valuable dishes in the machine.

You should not trust the mechanics of expensive plates or cups.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Knives
  2. Wooden utensils
  3. Teflon cookware
  4. Plates with pieces of food left on them
  5. Expensive dishes