6 things in your flat which should be thrown away every week: they make us unhappy

24.03.2022 07:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 17:27

There are such things in your flat that are useless and make a terrible mess. 

You should throw them away every week without regret.

Boxes and cartons

We store a lot of useless paper in our flats every week. For example, papers with advertisement, boxes from the shop, cartons, packages, magazines.

Some housewives store useless paper. They think it is nice.


Surely, some jewelry is broken and old. There is no sense to store broken or old cosmetics and jewelry because you can’t use it anymore.

Foto: Pixabay

Old clothes

Don’t store your old clothes in a wardrobe if you don’t wear them regularly. If you leave old jeans or blouses in your wardrobe ‘as a precaution’ you might forget about them forever. However, they take the place in your wardrobe.

Checks and bills

A lot of checks and bills from supermarkets are left in your bags and pockets. They accumulate rapidly and make a mess.

Empty cans

Usually there are some empty cans in your bathroom and you forget to throw them away. Clean your bathroom from useless things. 

Rags for cleaning

Old rags for cleaning should be changed regularly. Throw away old underwear that you use for cleaning the floor and tidying up the rooms from dust.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Boxes and cartons
  2. Jewelry
  3. Old clothes
  4. Checks and bills
  5. Empty cans
  6. Rags for cleaning