Here's how to clean the stove from old fat and soot in 5 minutes

04.04.2022 19:15

The stove is one of the most polluted places in the house.

Washing it is a real test, especially if there are old stains and deposits on the stove.

In such cases, the housewives immediately prepare to spend several hours cleaning, as well as a tidy sum for funds from old fat.

However, experienced housewives know that you can save not only money, but also time. It is extremely easy to do this.

You need to prepare only two ingredients - ammonia and soda ash. The last component can be replaced with regular baking soda.

gas stove’s
Foto: Pixabay

It is necessary to make a special mixture. In a container with hot water, mix three tablespoons of soda, a tablespoon of ammonia.

After this, you can wash the stove and handles with it. As a result, all stains will go away as quickly as possible.

Then it is advisable to walk over the surface again with a clean, damp sponge to remove the remnants of the product.

It is worth remembering that working with ammonia is not the safest thing.

You must have a mask and gloves. In addition, it is advisable to thoroughly ventilate the room after cleaning.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource