How you can use aspirin in everyday life: unexpected ways - what’s worth trying

19.05.2024 22:00

Aspirin can be used in everyday life for plants, cleaning, and even for facial skin care.

How can you use aspirin at home

Aspirin can be used for different purposes.

For example, aspirin tablets are an excellent fertilizer for plants both in pots and in open ground.

The tablets stimulate plant growth and flowering in indoor plants.

It is also a means of protecting soil and seeds from rot and mold.

Photo: © Belnovosti

In addition, aspirin helps soften the skin of the face, hands, feet, and also gets rid of acne.

Aspirin can also be used as a stain remover for washing clothes, towels, and rags.

Aspirin is also an effective rust remover.

The product also helps get rid of dandruff and strengthen nails.

Restores the natural shade of hair, prevents dandruff and accelerates hair growth.

Can aspirin unclog drains

To do this, take a dissolvable aspirin tablet, throw it in the sink, pour in a cup of vinegar and a kettle of boiling water.

This method will help remove even the most severe blockage in the bathroom.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How can you use aspirin at home
  2. Can aspirin unclog drains