How you can use a box under the oven: it isn't used for utensils

19.03.2022 10:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 14:40

Everyone knows that a kitchen stove consists of two parts - a cooking surface and an oven.

Many housewives pay attention at the third object - space under an oven.

Space under an oven looks like a box or a cavity which is closed with an oven lid.

Housewives usually store frying pans in this box. No doubt it is comfortable because big utensils doesn't take up a large space on the floor, the table or the cooking surface.

However, the destination of this box is not utensils' storage.

box under the oven
Foto: Pixabay

What the box under an oven destined for?

This box should be used to store food recently cooked in the oven.

Pizzas, pie and other bakery products cool down slower due to warmness of this box.

Your food is delicious like just having beed cooked even though time interval between cooking and eating has been long.

However, housewives may also store utensils in this box.

You should remember that such things as towels should not be put in the box under an oven. They can burn.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource