Laminated flooring will shine: the secret remedy of experienced housewives is named

24.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 17:27

Many people have laminate in their apartments, as it is much cheaper than parquet, but it looks aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

However, flooring needs proper maintenance.

Experienced housewives use not only detergents - they have their own secrets.

How to make laminate shine


Not everyone knows that alcohol can significantly improve the appearance of the laminate.

To do this, dilute half a glass in water and wipe the already clean floor with the resulting solution.

Laminated flooring
Foto: Pixabay

The laminate will shine.

Vinegar with lemon

This excellent combination will allow you to clean the floors from bacteria, dirt and dust.

To begin with, it is worth introducing two tablespoons of lemon and juice into the water, mix.

After washing the laminate and wait until it dries completely.


If you want the laminate to look well-groomed, then you should use a shampoo with a mild, gentle composition as a detergent.

For this purpose, baby shampoo is perfect. It can also be replaced with baby soap, which is first crushed into chips and then dissolved in warm water.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to make laminate shine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Vinegar with lemon
  4. Shampoo