Tired of rust stains and taint on the toilet: two things that will help get rid of them

01.04.2022 17:59

The bathroom should always be clean. Nevertheless, a large number of bacteria accumulate in this place.

Special consideration should be given to the toilet.

For many, the question of how to get rid of limescale and rust remains unresolved.

However, there is a simple way that will keep bathroom fixtures in almost perfect condition.

This does not require much effort. There is no need to wash or scrub anything.

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, you can forget about spending large sums on special cleaning powders.

You only need to take bleacher and a spray bottle.

The product must be sprayed under the rim and in general wherever dirt and plaque mass up.

Then you need to lower the lid and leave the substance for 15 minutes. After that, just flush the water.

Experienced housewives recommend working in a mask. Still, it is important to remember that bleacher is a rather caustic agent.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource