What should you add into the water to save flowers? It depends on the sort of flowers

31.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 19:19

Women like to get flowers as a gift. However, a bouquet doesn’t make us happy as long as we want.

Flowers don’t live in a vase longer than a week. They start withering.

We can make beautiful flowers live longer.

For this purpose, some housewives put different components into the water. It can be salt, activated carbon, spirit of ammonia, vinegar, lemon acid, aspirin.

You should not choose a component from this list at random. The fact is that every sort of flowers has its unique variant of saving.

Foto: Pixabay


You should add aspirin into the water with roses and gladioluses. 

It can also save carnations and chrysanthemums.

Remember one rule: you should not add too much aspirin into the water. A half of a pill is enough. Besides, the medicine must not be sparkling.


This spice is usually used for cooking.

However, just a few housewives know that salt is an ideal method for saving flowers. Flowers will not wither very soon.

Salt is appropriate for special plants. First of all, for daffodils.


Vinegar is another component which can be used not only for cooking.

If you add some vinegar into a vase with dahlias, they will save their freshness and beauty for a long period of time.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Aspirin
  2. Salt
  3. Vinegar