Why it's useful to pour vinegar into a washing machine: a valuable secret

18.03.2022 18:48
Updated: 08.04.2023 16:18

Nowadays it's impossible to imagine the process of washing clothes without the washing machine. Every housewife says that the washing machine makes life easier.

The washing machine needs careful usage so it can work for 10 or even 20 years.

You should use simple lifehacks to improve the quality of washing. Vinegar makes the washing process easier.

How to use vinegar

You may use vinegar not only for cooking. It effectively cleans dirty surfaces and removes spots.

Vinegar can be used for washing underwear. However, you should know how to add vinegar to the machine correctly.

washing machine
Foto: Pixabay

Conditioner for underwear

Try to pour vinegar into the compartment of the washing machine instead of conditioner.

Vinegar makes coarse fabric softer and removes unpleasant flavours. Your clothes don't electrify after washing with vinegar.

Take 100 ml of vinegar and pour it into the compartment for conditioner. 


Vinegar can successfully be used instead of bleach. After washing your clothes in the machine several times, you may notice that clothes become grey and yellow.

To avoid this problem pour 100 ml of vinegar into the compartment for conditioner.

This lifehack helps to avoid yellow spots on the clothes, especially bed linens, tablecloths and curtains.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to use vinegar
  2. Conditioner for underwear
  3. Bleach