Why you should salt the floor in the kitchen: lifehacks from modern housewives

19.03.2022 18:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:16

We should always keep the kitchen clean. However, the process of cleaning takes a lot of time.

We have to clean spots of fat on the stove and on the floor after cooking.

Noone likes cleaning the kitchen because it takes away a lot of energy.

Some housewives found a way to solve the problem and make the cleaning easier.

You don't have to spend money on chemical cleaners. Just take some salt.

Foto: Pixabay

Salt is useful not only for cooking, but also for cleaning. It doesn't damage surfaces and absorbs spots.

All you have to do is to make a simple mixture with salt and vinegar.

How to make a salt mixture for cleaning

You have to add 4 tablespoons of salt into a bucket with 5 liters of water.

Then add 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. It you don't have vinegar at home, use 5 tablespoons of soda.

Housewives advise to use protective gloves while making the mixture and cleaning the kitchen.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource