Why you should salt water in the toilet every day: a lifehack proven by generations

19.03.2022 16:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:12

In the childhood we all watched our grandparents sprinkling salt into the toilet.

It seemed ridiculous, but this simple action has an important practical meaning.

You should sprinkle a glass of salt into the toilet if there are old tubes in your house and they smell badly.

Salt is a kind of desinfector which eliminates fat, absorbs odors and avoids moisture in the house.

If the toilet is very dirty and the tubes spread an awful smell you should clean the toilet with salt every day during a week.

Foto: Pixabay

Afterwards sprinkle a spoon of salt into the toilet once a month.

Pour salt with boiling water. Leave it for 15 minutes, then flush the water in the toilet.

Sprinkle salt into the sink in the case of blockage.

Do not sprinkle salt into faience or porcelain plumbing. You must pour salt with boiling water while cleaning, however, faience and porcelain can be damaged by high temperature of the water.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource