Choosing perfect door knobs: Little details that make sense

14.10.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Even the smallest details like door knobs can change your interior significantly.

Choosing the most suitable door knobs can make your interior more thoughtful, so everyone can see your attention to details and taste.

Here are a few tips on how to choose door knobs correctly.

Finish and Material

Consider the finish and material of the door knobs. They come in various options like brass, chrome, stainless steel, matte black, or even glass. 

The finish should harmonize with your home's decor. If you have other metal accents like faucets or light fixtures, try to match the finishes for a cohesive look.

door knob


Think about the door's purpose. Entry doors often have lockable knobs for security, while interior doors can be non-locking or passage knobs. 

Closets and pantry doors might use dummy knobs, which are just for looks. Ensure that the knob's function matches the door's role in your home.


The door knob should feel comfortable in your hand. It's a part of your daily routine, so check if it's easy to grip. 

You don't want a knob that's too small or too big for your hand.

In-Person Inspection

Whenever possible, visit a store or showroom to see and touch the door knobs in person. 

This gives you a better sense of how they look and feel, and it's especially helpful for assessing the finish and quality.

Maintenance Requirements

Consider the upkeep needed for the knob's finish. 

Some finishes, like chrome, are easy to clean and maintain, while others, such as brass, may require more care to prevent tarnishing. 

Choose based on your maintenance preferences.


By taking these detailed factors into account, you can select stylish door knobs that not only enhance your home's aesthetic but also function well for your specific needs.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Finish and Material
  2. Functionality
  3. Ergonomics
  4. In-Person Inspection
  5. Maintenance Requirements
  6. Conclusion