Creating an interior painting by yourself: Home decor tips

18.11.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Paintings can transform your living space, but they can also cost a lot, especially when they're actually painted, not printed.

A good thing about these paintings is that they can be quite minimalistic, so you can try creating them by yourself, even if you can't paint.

Here's how you can create an interior painting and save you money.

Prepare the Room

Move furniture to the center of the room or cover it with drop cloths. 

Use painter's tape to protect edges and areas you don't want to paint, like window frames and baseboards.


Clean and Repair Walls

Wipe down the walls with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. Patch any holes or cracks with spackle, and sand the walls smooth once it's dry.

Choose the Right Paint

Select the right type of paint for your walls (latex is common for interiors) and choose a finish (matte, satin, semi-gloss). 

Ask for advice at the paint store if you're unsure.

Stir the Paint

Use a stir stick to thoroughly mix the paint. This ensures an even color and consistency.

Start Painting

Begin by "cutting in" around the edges with a high-quality paintbrush. Then, use a roller for the larger areas. 

Apply the paint in a "W" or "M" shape to ensure even coverage.

Work in Sections

Paint one manageable section at a time, so the edges blend well. 

If you're doing more than one coat, let the first coat dry before applying the next.

Be Patient

Allow the paint to fully dry between coats. It's crucial to be patient to avoid smudges or uneven color.

Clean Up

Clean your brushes and rollers with water (for latex paint) or the appropriate cleaner. Remove painter's tape carefully once the paint is completely dry.

Assess and Touch Up

Once everything is dry, step back and look for any spots that need touching up. Use a small brush for precise touch-ups.

Final Inspection

After the paint has dried completely, do a final inspection. Check for uniform color and address any imperfections. Make any necessary touch-ups.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prepare the Room
  2. Clean and Repair Walls
  3. Choose the Right Paint
  4. Stir the Paint
  5. Start Painting
  6. Work in Sections
  7. Be Patient
  8. Clean Up
  9. Assess and Touch Up
  10. Final Inspection