Creating open plan designs: Interior tips

02.12.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want your living space to feel spacious and light, then you can try using open plans.

Open plans have become extremely popular, because they look good, and it's often pretty comfortable to live in such houses.

Here's how you can design open plans perfectly.

Define Zones

Instead of walls, use furniture and accessories to separate different areas in your home. Think about how you want each space to function.

Consider Sight Lines

Plan what you'll see when you're in one area looking into another. 


Arrange furniture and decorative elements to create pleasing views and connections between spaces.

Use Consistent Flooring

Choose one type of flooring for the entire open space. This helps create a sense of continuity and makes the area feel larger.

Coordinate Colors

Pick a color scheme that works well across the entire space. 

This doesn't mean everything has to be the same color, but having a cohesive palette ties everything together.

Furniture Placement Matters

Arrange furniture to define areas. For example, a sofa can act as a boundary between the living and dining areas. Be mindful of traffic flow.

Create Focal Points

Give each zone a focal point, like a fireplace in the living area or a statement dining table. This helps define spaces within the open plan.

Pay Attention to Lighting

Use lighting to differentiate areas. Pendant lights over a dining table or a floor lamp in the reading nook help signal specific zones.

Smart Storage Solutions

Use furniture with built-in storage to keep the space organized. This is especially important in open plans where clutter is more visible.

Add Room Dividers if Needed

If you need a bit of separation, consider using open shelves, bookcases, or decorative screens. 

These maintain an open feel while providing a sense of privacy.

Consider Functionality

Think about how you'll use each space. 

If you're cooking while keeping an eye on the kids playing, make sure the kitchen has a clear view of the play area.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Define Zones
  2. Consider Sight Lines
  3. Use Consistent Flooring
  4. Coordinate Colors
  5. Furniture Placement Matters
  6. Create Focal Points
  7. Pay Attention to Lighting
  8. Smart Storage Solutions
  9. Add Room Dividers if Needed
  10. Consider Functionality