Dedicate some place to art and hobbies: Interior tips

06.11.2023 14:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Your house doesn't have to contain only functional and boring things - there's always a place for art and hobbies!

If you want to spend more time doing things you like, then create a special hobby or art zone in your house.

Here's how you can do it.

Good Lighting

Natural light is ideal, so position your workspace near a window.

If natural light is insufficient, use bright, cool-toned LED lights with adjustable brightness.


Organize Your Supplies

Consider storage options such as shelves, drawers, cabinets, or clear bins.

Label containers for easy access, and keep similar items together.

Comfortable Seating

Choose an ergonomic chair or stool that supports your back and posture during extended sessions.

Add a cushion or seat pad for extra comfort.


Decorate your area with artwork, posters, or items that reflect your interests and inspire your creativity.

Create a vision board with images or quotes that motivate you.

Music or Entertainment

Set up a music player, speaker, or small TV if you enjoy background entertainment while working on your hobby.

Make a playlist of your favorite tunes or podcasts.

Storage Solutions

Install adjustable shelves, pegboards, or wall-mounted organizers to maximize storage space.

Utilize clear storage containers to easily identify contents.

Enjoy It

Regularly dedicate time to your hobby in this area to ensure it remains a source of joy.

Share your space with family members who may have similar interests.

Ergonomic Workspace

Set up your desk or work surface at a comfortable height to prevent strain.

Invest in an adjustable desk or use risers to achieve the right working height.

Adaptable Furniture

Select furniture that can be easily reconfigured if you have evolving needs in your hobby.

Invest in foldable tables or collapsible storage for flexibility.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Good Lighting
  2. Organize Your Supplies
  3. Comfortable Seating
  4. Inspiration
  5. Music or Entertainment
  6. Storage Solutions
  7. Enjoy It
  8. Ergonomic Workspace
  9. Adaptable Furniture