How to Update the Hallway Design: 4 Ideas

11.04.2023 16:07
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The entrance hall is the first thing you see after coming home and your guests. If you have not updated the design of the hallway for a long time, in the article you will find the easiest ways to do it.

Accessorize your entryway

Think outside the box and add new colors and details to your hallway.

For example, hang a picture on the wall, put a vase of fresh flowers, hang beautiful wallpaper, hang a wreath of spruce branches on the door.

When choosing, rely on your taste and the interior of the whole house.

The style of the hallway should not contrast with the hotel rooms.

Photo: Pixabay

Create a storage area

To keep your shoes and outerwear out of sight, think about how you can hide them.

For example, purchase a spacious closet with a hanger and shelves.

Place organizers and special baskets in the hallway for storing things.

You can put hats, gloves, scarves in them.

Choose a floor that won't get dirty quickly

Do not choose light shades and glossy surfaces for flooring.

On such material stains and dirt will be visible. And the hallway is not the cleanest place in the house, no matter how hard you try.

Opt for muted paint tones or lint-free carpeting.

Create interior cohesion

When choosing paint, wallpaper, carpets, furniture and accessories, look at the style of the home.

The hallway should be a continuation of your interior.

Associate the design of the whole house with the hallway.

For example, if there is a lot of wood in the house, use the material in the design project for the hallway as well.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Accessorize your entryway
  2. Create a storage area
  3. Choose a floor that won't get dirty quickly
  4. Create interior cohesion