Interior tips: Love reading  – create a library at home!

29.12.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

People who genuinely love reading tend to have great collections of books - so they have to store them somewhere!

While it's not always easy to find a dedicated place for a library at home, it's possible - you just need to plant it well.

Here are a few tips that might help you create your own little library.

Choose a space

Pick a room or area in your house where you want to have your library. 

It could be a spare room, a cozy corner, or even a dedicated bookshelf in a living area.


Measure the space

Measure the area to determine how much room you have for your books and furniture. 

This will help you plan the layout and choose the right-sized shelves or bookcases.

Plan your storage

Decide how you want to store your books. 

You can use bookshelves, wall-mounted shelves, or even custom-built bookcases. 

Consider the number of books you have and how you want to organize them.

Get bookshelves or bookcases

Purchase or build the bookshelves that suit your space and style. 

Make sure they are sturdy and have enough shelves to accommodate your books.

Arrange your books

Organize your books in a way that makes sense to you. 

You can sort them by genre, author, or any other system that works for you. 

Consider using bookends or decorative items to add some charm.

Create a cozy reading area

Add a comfortable chair, bean bag, or a small sofa where you can sit and enjoy your books. 

Include good lighting, like a reading lamp, to make it easier to see the pages.

Personalize the space

Make the library reflect your personality and interests. 

Add artwork, framed quotes, or decorative items that make you happy and create a cozy ambiance.

Consider storage for other items

If you have magazines, journals, or other reading materials, think about storage options for them. 

You can use baskets, magazine holders, or additional shelves.

Previously, we talked about the rules of stylish retro.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Choose a space
  2. Measure the space
  3. Plan your storage
  4. Get bookshelves or bookcases
  5. Arrange your books
  6. Create a cozy reading area
  7. Personalize the space
  8. Consider storage for other items