Interior tips: One apartment for two people – when zoning matters

23.12.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you rent your apartment with a friend, or both you and your partner need some personal space, then zoning can help you.

With the help of some items and interior tricks, you can visually separate your house well, so both of you will feel comfortable.

Here are a few tips on how to do that.

Define functional areas

Use furniture and visual cues to create distinct zones. 

For example, use a bookshelf or a folding screen to separate the sleeping area from the living area. 


Position a desk or a table for work or study purposes in a separate corner. 

This helps establish boundaries and visually separates different spaces.

Consider room layout

Arrange furniture in a way that maximizes the available space and supports the desired zones. 

For example, place the bed against a wall to create a sleeping area, and position a sofa and coffee table to form a living area. 

Be mindful of traffic flow and ensure that the arrangement allows easy movement between zones.

Use lighting effectively

Lighting plays a crucial role in defining zones. 

Consider using different types of lighting, such as task lighting for the work area and softer ambient lighting for the relaxation area. 

This helps create a distinct atmosphere and enhances the functionality of each zone.

Organize storage

Utilize storage solutions to keep belongings organized and separate. 

Use shelves, baskets, or storage boxes to store items specific to each zone. This reduces clutter and maintains a tidy appearance.

Personalize each zone

Add personal touches to each area to make it comfortable and inviting. 

Decorate the sleeping area with cozy bedding, hang artwork or photos in the living area, and incorporate elements that reflect your style and preferences.

Previously, we talked about decorating presents.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Define functional areas
  2. Consider room layout
  3. Use lighting effectively
  4. Organize storage
  5. Personalize each zone