Interior trends that came from the Internet: We see it, we want it

29.07.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

The internet has had a significant impact on interior design, influencing various trends and styles that have gained popularity in recent years. 

We tend to want things we often see, so social networks have managed to make some interior ideas pretty trendy.

Some interior trends that originated or were popularized through the internet include these.


The rise of minimalist interior design can be attributed in part to the internet. 

Online platforms and social media have showcased the beauty of clean, uncluttered spaces, inspiring many to adopt a minimalist approach to their home decor.

man internet

Scandinavian Design

Scandinavian design became a global trend largely due to its exposure on the internet. 

Blogs, websites, and social media platforms have highlighted the simplicity, functionality, and cozy aesthetics of Scandinavian interiors.

Bohemian Style

The bohemian or boho style gained popularity on the internet, with its emphasis on eclectic and free-spirited decor. 

Online platforms allowed people to share their boho-inspired spaces, leading to a surge in its popularity.


The Danish concept of "hygge," which emphasizes coziness and comfort, became a global trend largely due to its coverage on the internet. 

Online articles and social media posts showcased how to create a hygge-inspired atmosphere at home.

DIY Decor

Online tutorials and social media have encouraged the DIY (Do It Yourself) trend in interior design. 

People now have easy access to step-by-step guides for creating personalized decor pieces.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Minimalism
  2. Scandinavian Design
  3. Bohemian Style
  4. Hygge
  5. DIY Decor