Pro Tips: How and What to Paint the Facade of a House

21.07.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Painting the facade of the house is a responsible business. We will talk about important nuances in the article.

What is the best way to paint the outside of the house

Acrylic paints are currently the most popular, having high resistance to external influences, retaining the constancy of color and gloss over the years. The created coating has excellent vapor permeability and elasticity. The paint does not have a sharp unpleasant odor, it is perfectly tinted in any shade.

How to paint the wooden facade of the house

You can paint a wooden facade with covering (opaque) paints, translucent (translucent), azures and oils for wood. The most practical and durable option is covering paints. They protect the wooden surface from precipitation, temperature changes, air humidity, ultraviolet radiation, give color and / or shine.

The better to paint the house with a brush or spray gun

Each method of application has its positive aspects. Nevertheless, if we talk about the priority of durable painting of the facade of a wooden house, then professionals recommend applying materials with a brush.

How to choose the right paint color for the facade

The choice of facade paint color is much more difficult than the choice of interior paint. Daylight greatly changes the perception of color, and experts recommend immediately choosing a color 1-3 tones warmer than the main one selected in order to get the very harmonious and desired result.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is the best way to paint the outside of the house
  2. How to paint the wooden facade of the house
  3. The better to paint the house with a brush or spray gun
  4. How to choose the right paint color for the facade