Seven facts about blue color in interior design: Use it wisely

14.06.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Interior designers often use colors to create a very special atmosphere, because colors can actually affect our mood and mental health.

Blue is usually soothing, calming, and it helps people relax and get rid of everyday stresses.

Here are seven facts about blue interior designs.

Calming and Relaxing

It has a soothing effect on the mind and body, making it an excellent choice for bedrooms, living rooms, and spaces where tranquility is desired.

Versatile and Adaptable

Blue comes in a wide range of shades and tones, from soft pastels to vibrant navy blues. 


This versatility allows it to work well in various interior design styles, whether it's used as a primary color or as an accent.

Expands Space

Lighter shades of blue have the ability to visually expand a space and create an illusion of openness. 

Enhances Natural Light

Blue hues tend to enhance natural light, making a room feel brighter and more spacious. 

Symbolizes Serenity and Trust

It can evoke a sense of stability and confidence in a space, making it suitable for professional environments or areas where a calm atmosphere is desired.

Complements Various Color Schemes

It works beautifully with neutrals like white, gray, and beige, creating a crisp and clean look. 

It also complements warm hues like orange or yellow, creating a striking contrast.

Evokes a Coastal or Nautical Feel

Incorporating shades of blue in interior design, along with elements like white, natural textures, and nautical accents, can create a fresh and seaside-inspired ambiance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Calming and Relaxing
  2. Versatile and Adaptable
  3. Expands Space
  4. Enhances Natural Light
  5. Symbolizes Serenity and Trust
  6. Complements Various Color Schemes
  7. Evokes a Coastal or Nautical Feel