Things you shouldn't do when you have curved walls in your house: Lots of complications

20.07.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

If your house has curved walls, there are certain things you should avoid doing to ensure proper functionality, aesthetics, and structural integrity. 

Here are some essential things you shouldn't do if your house has curved walls.

Let's find out more.

Ignore the Unique Design

Embrace the uniqueness of curved walls rather than trying to hide or alter them. 

Avoid covering them entirely with flat furniture or decorations that don't complement their curvature.


Use Standard Furniture

Avoid using standard, straight-edged furniture that may not fit well against curved walls. 

Opt for custom-made or specially designed furniture that can follow the contour of the walls for a seamless look.

Overcrowd the Space

Avoid overcrowding the room with too much furniture or decor. 

Curved walls can create a sense of openness and flow, and cluttering the space can detract from this unique feature.

Ignore Lighting Considerations

Avoid ignoring lighting considerations and ensure adequate and well-placed lighting to illuminate the space evenly.

Neglect Proper Insulation and Waterproofing

Curved walls may have different insulation and waterproofing requirements compared to straight walls. 

Ensure that the curves are appropriately sealed and insulated to prevent any structural issues or water damage.

Overcomplicate Interior Design

Simplicity often works best with curved walls. 

Avoid overcomplicating the interior design with too many patterns, colors, or complex decorations that can make the space feel busy and overwhelming.

Forget About Curved Wall Maintenance

Properly maintain curved walls by regularly inspecting for any signs of damage or wear. 

Address any issues promptly to preserve their integrity and appearance.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Ignore the Unique Design
  2. Use Standard Furniture
  3. Overcrowd the Space
  4. Ignore Lighting Considerations
  5. Neglect Proper Insulation and Waterproofing
  6. Overcomplicate Interior Design
  7. Forget About Curved Wall Maintenance