Tips from an Expert: How to Choose a Kettle

19.10.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It is advisable to choose kettles with a closed heating element.

It is better to choose a kettle with a solid body without water level inserts in the middle.

Stainless steel models are stronger than glass, ceramic and plastic.

The platform of the kettle doesn't really matter.

What power is best for a kettle

If you like to drink tea alone, a small electric kettle of 0.5-1 liters is enough, 1-1.5 liters is enough for two people, and for a large family it is better to choose a more spacious model - 2-2.5 liters.


The “big brother” of the electric kettle, the thermopot, is ideal for office use.

Which electric kettle is better - glass or metal

The key advantage of ceramics over metal, pestle and glass teapots is that they retain heat longer.

This way you will have to boil water less often because it will not cool down quickly.

Thanks to this quality, ceramic tableware remains a constant leader.

What is the difference between cheap kettles and expensive ones

Inexpensive kettles use galvanized fasteners, as opposed to stainless steel ones.

It is quite difficult to identify this visually, since when purchased they look almost identical.

However, over time, the zinc coating is destroyed, and the metal begins to rust.

As a result, the handle completely falls off the body.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What power is best for a kettle
  2. Which electric kettle is better - glass or metal
  3. What is the difference between cheap kettles and expensive ones