What color to paint the ceiling to make it appear higher: designer’s advice

26.04.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Sometimes low ceilings can be visually corrected through design and renovation.

In this article, we will tell you which paint color is best to choose for low ceilings.

What color to paint low ceilings

For low ceilings, light paint colors are best: white, beige, gray, cream, blue or light green.

Paint the walls and ceiling the same color to make the room look like one.

The space will look more spacious and tall.


For example, light blue is a direct association with the sky.

Such a ceiling will seem higher than it actually is.

To prevent the ceiling from hanging and pressing, it should be several tones lighter than the walls.

In addition, the finishing of the ceiling plays an important role.

Stretch ceilings for low rooms are not the best option.

Designers advise paying attention to the glossy ceiling.

A light gloss that does not look too bright allows you to visually lift the room.

Also, choose wallpaper in light shades. If you choose them, they will add more air and volume to the room.

It is important to give preference to facing materials with cool shades of white, beige, blue, silver and so on.

Such wallpaper can visually “push apart” the walls.

Previously, we told you which color of skirting board is better to choose.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource