Cleaning dust under furniture: Basic housekeeping tips

04.11.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

When washing floors or dusting, lots of people avoid hard-to-reach places under the furniture, even if they don't admit it.

Meanwhile, you still have to clean there, and the frequency depends on multiple things.

Let's find out more about them.

Weekly Dusting

To maintain a consistently clean home, aim to dust under your furniture once a week. 

Use a microfiber cloth, a duster, or a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle attachment to remove loose dust and debris. 

under bed

This quick weekly dusting can help prevent dust from accumulating.

Monthly Deep Cleaning

Once a month, conduct a more thorough cleaning under your furniture. Move the furniture aside to access all areas. 

Wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth or a cleaning solution suitable for your flooring. 

Pay attention to baseboards, corners, and any nooks where dust tends to hide.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning

At the start of each season, consider doing a deep cleaning under your furniture. 

Seasonal cleaning is an excellent opportunity to declutter and thoroughly clean the areas that are often overlooked.

Pet Owners

If you have pets, especially those that shed, like cats or dogs, you should clean under your furniture more often.

Pet hair can accumulate quickly, so a weekly deep cleaning may be necessary.

Allergies and Health Concerns

Individuals with allergies or respiratory issues may want to clean under their furniture more frequently, perhaps twice a week, to maintain good indoor air quality.

Special Occasions

When hosting guests or special events at your home, give the areas under your furniture a thorough cleaning before the event. 

This ensures that your home looks its best.

Rotate Furniture

Consider rearranging your furniture or rotating it from time to time. 

This not only gives your home a fresh look but also allows you to clean under furniture that doesn't get moved often.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Weekly Dusting
  2. Monthly Deep Cleaning
  3. Seasonal Deep Cleaning
  4. Pet Owners
  5. Allergies and Health Concerns
  6. Special Occasions
  7. Rotate Furniture