Cleaning your bathtub: Housekeeping tips

21.10.2023 05:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

A clean bathtub is essential - it's a place that helps you get clean and relax, so it should be hygienic and nice.

There are plenty of methods you can use to keep your bathtub clean, but some of them are more effective than others.

Let's find out more about them.

Pre-Rinse the Tub

To start, give the bathtub a quick pre-rinse with your showerhead or a bucket of water. 

This helps remove loose dirt and dust, and it also wets the tub's surface, making it easier for the cleaner to do its job.


Apply Bathtub Cleaner

Apply the bathtub cleaner according to the instructions on the label. You'll typically need to spread it evenly all over the tub's surfaces. 

Allow the cleaner to sit for a few minutes. This dwell time helps break down soap scum, stains, and other grime.


Use a scrubbing brush or sponge to clean the bathtub. Concentrate on areas with visible stains or built-up grime. 

Don't forget to scrub the faucets, knobs, and the drain.

Rinse Thoroughly

After scrubbing, rinse the tub thoroughly with clean water. You can use your showerhead or fill a bucket to pour water over the tub. 

It's crucial to make sure you remove all the cleaning products, as leftover residue can be slippery and may not be good for your skin.

Drying and Shining

Use a dry cloth or paper towels to dry the tub. This step not only makes your bathtub shiny but also prevents water spots. 

Also, it's a good time to wipe down the faucets and fixtures to make them shine as well.

Regular Maintenance

To make future cleaning easier, get into the habit of rinsing the tub with water after each use. 

This helps prevent soap and shampoo residue from building up. 

For a more thorough cleaning, aim to clean your bathtub on a regular schedule to prevent tough stains from forming.


By following these detailed steps, you can keep your bathtub looking fresh and clean for a relaxing bathing experience.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pre-Rinse the Tub
  2. Apply Bathtub Cleaner
  3. Scrubbing
  4. Rinse Thoroughly
  5. Drying and Shining
  6. Regular Maintenance
  7. Conclusion