Do I need to boil wooden spoons against germs

05.04.2023 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Wooden spoons lose their color over time and are not washed with ordinary detergents. But how to properly and 100% clean wooden  spatulas?

How to properly clean wooden spoons

Never use a dishwasher, as high temperatures and pressure will quickly destroy the wood.

However, disinfecting wooden spatulas with boiling water is a good idea to use about once a month.

Excessive immersion in hot water can also warp the wood. So be careful.

Benefits of boiling wooden spatulas and spoons

Soaking in hot water helps to bring out dirt and grease particles that are deep in the spoon. Since the structure of the tree is porous, it absorbs various particles well into itself.

wooden spatulas
Photo: Pixabay

Boiling water brings dirt out and kills harmful microbes. After soaking, rinse the shoulder  spatulas with water and a mild cleanser.

Gentle soap, neutral in Ph and a soft sponge will extend the life of wooden spoons and spatulas. Remember that wood is a fragile material for daily use in the kitchen.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to properly clean wooden spoons
  2. Benefits of boiling wooden spatulas and spoons