Don't clean your kettle too often: Housekeeping tips

28.10.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It's always unpleasant when your kettle is full of scales - it makes it look dirty, and it can also spoil the taste of your water.

While you should keep your kettle clean, it's not recommended to clean it too often.

Here are a few reasons why.

What is it?

Scale in your kettle is a buildup of minerals from the water you boil. 

These minerals, like calcium and magnesium, can accumulate over time and create a layer of scale on the inside of the kettle.


Why it might be useful

Scale can actually be a bit like a protective layer for your kettle. 

It forms a barrier between the hot metal of the kettle and the water, which can be a good thing. 

Without this layer, the metal in the kettle could react with the water, which might lead to the kettle wearing out faster.

Not too much

However, you shouldn't let scale build up too much. If there's too much scale, it can cause problems. 

For instance, it can slow down the heating process, making your kettle less efficient. 

Additionally, if you let the scale accumulate excessively, it can affect the taste of the water you boil, giving it a weird or bitter flavor.


So, the idea is to strike a balance. A little bit of scale is usually okay and might even help protect your kettle. 

But if you let it build up too much, it can cause issues. 

It's a good practice to clean your kettle periodically to maintain that balance and keep it in good working condition without letting the scale become a problem.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What is it?
  2. Why it might be useful
  3. Not too much
  4. Conclusion