Helpful Cleaning Tips: How to Clean Your Stove Properly

20.09.2023 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Of course, you can wipe the free surface with a sponge, but dirt will accumulate in hard-to-reach places.

Therefore, it is advisable to completely wash the stove at least once a week, otherwise it will be more difficult to clean it from carbon deposits.

To wash the stove, you can use folk remedies the old fashioned way.

How to clean the stove

Place half a cup of regular baking soda in a bowl and dilute it with water. Apply the resulting slurry generously to the contaminated surface.

Particular care should be taken to treat the areas around the burners - this is where most of the dirt usually collects.


Wait about 5-7 minutes and then remove the slurry with a damp sponge.

How to clean the stove from grease and carbon deposits at home

First, 6-9% vinegar is applied to the contaminated surface, then covered with soda.

The resulting reaction effectively removes all unsightly stains.

After this, just remove the foam and wipe dry. Soda and soap remove grease and stubborn carbon deposits well.

How to clean the surface of an electric stove

Wet the work surface of the stove with soapy water and leave for 10 minutes.

Wipe with a napkin or sponge. For heavy dirt, use a wooden or rubber spatula.

The use of a metal sponge is allowed to clean the burners.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to clean the stove
  2. How to clean the surface of an electric stove