How to maintain light-colored floors nice and clean: A quick guideline

02.07.2023 08:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Light-colored floors can look amazing - they make your room seem more spacious and light, and it's also pretty fashionable.

At the same time, they are pretty high-maintenance: they can become dirty too quickly, and you can see debris almost immediately.

Here's how you should take care of your house.

Avoid Aggressive Chemicals

Harsh chemicals can damage or discolor light-colored floors, so it's important to use cleaning solutions that are safe and suitable for the floor.

Immediate Spill Cleanup

Clean up spills quickly to prevent stains and discoloration.


Dry the spill with a soft cloth or just a paper towel, and then gently clean the area using a mild cleaner that is safe for your flooring.

Protect your floor

Place special doormats at entrances to trap all dirt and moisture from shoes.

Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Use curtains, blinds, or UV-protective window films to minimize sun exposure and protect your floors.

Regular Mopping

Use a damp mop with a soft cleaning solution to clean the floor, but also avoid excessive water that can seep into the floorboards and cause damage.

Prevent Scratches

Place felt pads under furniture legs, avoid dragging anything heavy across the floor, and also use safe brooms or soft microfiber mops to prevent scratches.

Encourage your family and guests to remove shoes or wear soft-soled slippers when walking on light-colored floors.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Avoid Aggressive Chemicals
  2. Immediate Spill Cleanup
  3. Protect your floor
  4. Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure
  5. Regular Mopping
  6. Prevent Scratches