Important to know: Is it possible to wash the toaster inside

07.09.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Washing the toaster inside with water is strictly contraindicated.

A toaster is an electrical appliance, its “insides” cannot be washed, just like the heating elements.

The use of water is allowed only to remove dirt from external surfaces with a cloth.

Why you shouldn't wet your toaster

Explaining how to clean the device, we note that the inside of the toaster is not insulated, so the device may break if it comes into contact with water.

It is unacceptable to fill it with any liquids, wet it under a tap or in a basin.


How to clean grease off a toaster

Wipe the housing with a soft cloth moistened with water. If there are dried grease spots on it, treat the surface with a baking soda paste and rub gently with a soft cloth.

Use it to rinse off the residue, and then wipe the case dry. Leave the toaster to dry for a few hours to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate.

What not to do with a toaster

Do not use a defective appliance. Do not operate the toaster without the crumb tray.

Clean the crumb tray regularly. Do not allow crumbs to accumulate on the drip tray as this may cause them to ignite.

How to clean a toaster from crumbs

To get rid of any remaining crumbs, turn the appliance upside down and shake gently.

Then you can use a special brush or an old toothbrush to deal with stuck particles.

A good way is to blow the case inside with a hairdryer.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you shouldn't wet your toaster
  2. How to clean grease off a toaster
  3. What not to do with a toaster
  4. How to clean a toaster from crumbs