Kitchen Cleaning: Basic Rules

22.08.2023 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23


House cleaning burns calories and releases endorphins and feel-good chemicals. Therefore, any kind of cleaning, even taking out the trash and organizing a closet or a nursery, reduces anxiety and has a positive effect on our mental health.

What are the rules for cleaning the kitchen you need to know

Wash dirty dishes in time, prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt, wipe tables, do not leave things in the kitchen, monitor the accumulation of garbage in the bucket. The to-do list is small, and the kitchen will always look clean and beautiful. If you do not have enough time for general cleaning of the kitchen, contact the professionals.

How to wipe surfaces in the kitchen

To clean furniture, appliances and other surfaces in the kitchen, you can use household chemicals from the store or folk remedies. Of the materials at hand, it is usually recommended to use soda, vinegar, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and other products that can be found in any kitchen.

Follow the order of cleaning

In the rooms, clean from top to bottom, moving in the direction from the window to the door: first the cornices and chandeliers, then sweeping the walls, wiping the doors, cleaning cabinet furniture, cleaning upholstered furniture, washing windows to a shine and at the very end - a thorough floor treatment.

How often to clean the kitchen

Spend a little time cleaning the kitchen every day, and you won't need to do a general cleaning more than once every 1-2 months. Follow these tips and the whole cleaning process will not take more than a couple of hours, but will ensure long-term cleanliness and order in your kitchen.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the rules for cleaning the kitchen you need to know
  2. How to wipe surfaces in the kitchen
  3. Follow the order of cleaning
  4. How often to clean the kitchen