Laminate cleaning mistakes: Housekeeping tips

09.09.2023 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Laminated floorings are relatively cheap and good-looking, but only if you take good care of them.

Rough cleaning can easily destroy it, so if you want to keep it pretty, then you need to know how to avoid these mistakes.

Let's keep your floorings nice together.

You shouldn't use too much water

Using excessive water or soaking your laminate floors can cause them to warp or swell. Always use a damp (not wet) cloth or mop.

Sweeping is essential

Neglecting to sweep or dust the floor before cleaning can lead to scratches. Tiny particles like dirt and sand can act like abrasives when you mop over them.


No harsh chemicals needed

Avoid using strong chemicals or abrasive cleaners. They can strip away the protective layer on laminate and damage the finish.

Puffles can destroy it

After cleaning, make sure the floor is completely dry. Standing water can seep into the seams and cause swelling or warping.

Furniture pads can save it

When moving furniture, use protective pads or felt under the legs to prevent scratches or scuffs on the laminate.

Scrubbing destroys it

Aggressive scrubbing with abrasive pads or brushes can scratch or dull the laminate surface. Stick to gentle cleaning methods.

Spills can turn into a huge problem

Letting spills sit for too long can cause staining or damage. Clean up spills promptly to avoid this.

Steam cleaners are damaging

Steam cleaners can force moisture into the seams and cause the laminate to swell. Stick to traditional damp mopping methods.

Manufacturer knows better

Always follow the cleaning recommendations provided by the laminate flooring manufacturer. They know what's best for their product.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. You shouldn't use too much water
  2. Sweeping is essential
  3. No harsh chemicals needed
  4. Puffles can destroy it
  5. Furniture pads can save it
  6. Scrubbing destroys it
  7. Spills can turn into a huge problem
  8. Steam cleaners are damaging
  9. Manufacturer knows better