Planning the wet cleaning: When it's the best time to clean your house properly

04.09.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Wet cleaning, also known as deep cleaning, involves using water, cleaning solutions, and various tools to thoroughly clean and sanitize your home. 

While routine cleaning involves lighter tasks like dusting and vacuuming, wet cleaning is typically done on a less frequent basis and addresses more in-depth cleaning needs. 

The best time to wet clean your house can vary depending on several factors.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning

Many people choose to perform wet cleaning as part of their seasonal cleaning routine. 

Spring cleaning, for example, is a common tradition where homeowners thoroughly clean their homes after the winter months. 

cleaning house

This is an excellent time to tackle tasks like washing windows, cleaning carpets, and scrubbing baseboards.

Before Special Occasions

Consider wet cleaning your house before hosting special occasions like holiday gatherings, parties, or family events.

Moving In or Out

When moving into a new home, it's a good idea to perform a thorough wet cleaning to start with a clean slate. 

Similarly, if you're moving out of a rental property, deep cleaning is often required to get your security deposit back or to leave the property in good condition for the next tenant.

After Renovations or Repairs

If you've recently completed home renovations or repairs, wet cleaning can help remove construction dust and debris that may have accumulated. 

This is essential to restore a healthy and clean living environment.

Change of Seasons

Some people prefer to deep clean their homes at the change of each season to address specific cleaning needs that arise with different weather conditions. 

For example, fall cleaning may involve cleaning gutters and removing leaves, while summer cleaning might focus on outdoor areas like decks and patios.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Seasonal Deep Cleaning
  2. Before Special Occasions
  3. Moving In or Out
  4. After Renovations or Repairs
  5. Change of Seasons