Useful Tips: How to Clean Parquet from Different Types of Dirt

26.09.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Detergents - cleaners produced in the form of concentrates or aerosols are best suited for cleaning parquet.

These products do not contain alkali, they are neutral to parquet varnish, and do not leave streaks or marks after washing the floors.

How to clean very dirty parquet floors

A cotton swab dipped in a weak solution of ammonia will help.

The same method will help get rid of most contaminants.

Pencils and markers can be easily cleaned with an alcohol solution (alcohol or vodka diluted 1:1 with water).


How to clean old parquet floors

Any grease stains from the parquet are removed using non-aggressive washing powder diluted with water to a paste.

It is applied to the stained surface and left for several hours until it dries.

Dry particles of powder are removed with a vacuum cleaner or brush, and traces of it with a damp cloth.

Is it possible to wash parquet with soda

An alkaline solution, a baking soda solution, and even regular soap can deal with dirt and grease deposits on wood flooring better than others.

It is possible to use cleaning agents, and especially alkaline agents, to care for parquet, but not often, in order to avoid loss of the shine of the base.

How to clean parquet from blackness

It is recommended to clean the flooring with sandpaper and always with coarse grain.

Next, you need to wipe the parquet with acetone, using cotton wool or a swab to dissolve particles of old varnish.

Finally, apply special glue or varnish for parquet to the wood thus cleaned.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to clean very dirty parquet floors
  2. How to clean old parquet floors
  3. Is it possible to wash parquet with soda
  4. How to clean parquet from blackness