Useful Tips: How to Wash Second-Hand Clothes

19.09.2023 01:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

To eliminate germs, I use a substance - formaldehyde, which gives clothes that very unpleasant smell.

How to Clean Second-Hand Clothes

Dissolve ammonia in warm water (1:100 ml) and soak things in it.

The time depends on the fabric from which the clothing is made: 1 hour - cotton and linen, 3 hours - mixed fabrics, 5-6 hours - synthetics.

After soaking, items must be thoroughly wrung out and washed as usual.

Clothing purchased at a second-hand store must be washed separately from other items until the formaldehyde has completely evaporated, otherwise it will impart an unpleasant odor to them.


The best effect is achieved by hot water (from +60°C) with good powder and several rinsing cycles with high-quality conditioner.

How to get rid of formaldehyde smell on clothes

Ammonia neutralizes the odor of formaldehyde.

Add ammonia to the water in the ratio: fifty milliliters of ammonia per five liters of water and immerse the purchased item in it.

Depending on the material and size of the product, the item is kept in water from two to six hours.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to Clean Second-Hand Clothes
  2. How to get rid of formaldehyde smell on clothes