You use window cleaning solutions wrong: Housekeeping tips

15.09.2023 06:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Clean windows and mirrors are extremely important for the overall feeling of having a clean house, but unfortunately it's pretty hard to keep them completely spotless.

While window cleaning solutions can help you a lot, you can still use them wrong, so you won't achieve that perfect transparent look.

Here are a few popular mistakes that lots of people make.


If you use too much solution or don't wipe it off properly, it can leave streaks on the glass. 

Streaks are those lines or marks that make your windows look dirty.



Some cleaning solutions can leave a residue on the glass if not rinsed off well. 

This residue can attract dust and dirt, making your windows get dirty quickly again.

Wrong Tools

Using the wrong tools, like dirty or rough cloth, can also cause problems. They can scratch the glass or leave lint behind.

Hard Water Stains

If your water has a lot of minerals (like calcium), using the wrong cleaning solution can make these stains on your windows even worse.


When using a new window cleaning solution, you should always read the instructions carefully - or you can make lots of silly mistakes.

Experiment with cleaning techniques and use new products to find your favorite one - so your windows will always be spotless!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Streaks
  2. Residue
  3. Wrong Tools
  4. Hard Water Stains
  5. Conclusion