From Berry to Cup: How a Coffee Tree Grows

22.05.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Have you ever wondered how far the espresso has traveled before getting into your cup?

Many people are working to ensure that you can buy coffee and enjoy your favorite drink: farmers, roasters, and baristas.

To prepare espresso, cappuccino, latte, flat white, you need only 18 grams of grain. Nevertheless, it goes through a path of 3-4 years.

How does coffee grow

Coffee trees are grown in the mountainous regions of tropical countries: Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya.

Plantations are planted at an altitude of about 2000 meters.


Seeds are planted in special tanks where they germinate. Six months later they are planted in the ground. Before the appearance of the first flowers, 2-3 years pass.

The fruits of the coffee tree are red or yellow berries. Grains are seeds that ripen inside them.

Harvest in different ways. The most reliable is the manual method. A person picks only ripe fruits, which guarantees a good taste of the drink.

Using a different method, they pick all the berries in a row, and then sort them out, separating the ripe and unspoiled ones.

This method allows you to harvest faster, so it is the most common.

Less commonly, the fruits are plucked with a mechanical harvester. It is almost impossible to use it on mountain slopes.

Therefore, most often the fruits of the coffee tree are harvested by hand.

So that the harvested crop does not deteriorate, it must be quickly cleaned and sent for drying.

Thus, the coffee tree grows, the fruits of which are used to make all types of coffee.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource