Carambola: Health Benefits

15.10.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The fruit is glossy yellow-green, ribbed, and in cross section forms a five-pointed star.

The fruits are crispy, juicy and can be sweet and sour or sweet with massive ribbed growths.

What does carambola fruit taste like

There are two types of fruits in taste: sweet and sour and sweet.

The taste of some fruits resembles the taste of a juicy pea pod, plum, apples and grapes at the same time, others - gooseberries with the smell of plums.

In the tropics, carambola with sour fruits is more popular.


This fruit has a specific, but very pleasant fruity aroma, which appears only when cooked, and fresh fruits are practically odorless.

What are the benefits of carambola

Carambola lowers blood pressure, quenches thirst, and has a laxative effect.

Thanks to its vitamin C content, the fruit stimulates the immune system.

The presence of magnesium in its composition removes excess fluid from body tissues.

Carambola is extremely useful for vitamin deficiency, headaches, and colic.

How to eat carom correctly

Due to its unusual shape and bright color, carambola is often used as a decoration for desserts and salads.

It can be eaten raw and even with the peel, boiled as a vegetable, finely chopped into sauces, and juice squeezed out of carambola to make cocktails.

Carambola is usually eaten whole without peeling.

It is enough to wash the fruit thoroughly under running water.

When washing, pay special attention to the indentations on the fruit: dust and other contaminants often accumulate in them.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does carambola fruit taste like
  2. What are the benefits of carambola
  3. How to eat carom correctly