Chef's Opinion: How Delicious to Cook Pasta

28.05.2023 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Pasta is a classic Italian dish with countless recipes and cooking methods. In the article, we will tell you what pasta goes best with.

How to cook Pasta

One of the main advantages of pasta is its versatility. It goes with just about any food that everyone has in his or her fridge.

Pasta is cooked with meat, fish, vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, cheese. You can complement or emphasize the taste with the help of sauce: tomato, pesto, spicy with chili.

The thinner sauce goes into a paste form that you can soak it up. For example, the shape of the spring allows you to absorb more sauce and make the dish even richer and more delicious.

Macaroni is prepared as a separate dish or side dish.


In the first case, the products are boiled to the state of Al dente, and then mixed with ingredients prepared in advance in a pan and brought to readiness. For example, served with fried eggplant, garlic, red pepper, olives, tomato sauce and hard cheese.

In the second case, the pasta is boiled and supplemented with a steak of meat, fish, stewed vegetables or mushrooms. The sauce is served separately.

Cooking time for pasta usually takes about 8-12 minutes. 3.5 ounces of product requires 1/4 gallon of water.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource