Coffee Drinks with Milk: Differences and Taste Features

03.06.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Many people cannot imagine their morning without coffee. It tastes good, invigorating and warming.

However, even fans of the tonic drink are often confused about its types and methods of preparation.

What is the difference between cappuccino and latte? So that you do not get confused in a coffee shop, we have prepared for you a short guide to coffee drinks with milk and their features.

Cooking rules may vary between establishments, but the basic barista standards are followed in accordance with classic recipes.

Types and features of coffee with milk

Many prefer this option because of the milder taste. Here are the most popular types of coffee with milk:

  • Cappuccino. Whipped warm milk with foam is added to espresso. The drink is delicate, slightly sweet, fragrant. The volume is well suited for a coffee break with desserts. The cappuccino should have a glossy, shiny crema without bubbles. When heated properly, milk adds sweetness to the drink, so it can be drunk without sugar.
  • Latte. A more milky and less coffee drink, as one shot of espresso is added to it. On the palate you will feel a light coffee shade. The volume of milk is the same as in a large cappuccino - 9.4 ounces.
  • Flat white. Made with a double shot of espresso and about 5 ounces of milk. The classic serving size is up to 6.7 oz. The drink is rich coffee and delicate. The milk is whipped to a small, elastic foam. Suitable for those who want to cheer up, but do not like black coffee.
  • Raf. For lovers of sweet and creamy taste. The base is one or two shots of espresso, which are whipped to foam with 10% cream and vanilla sugar. Many modern coffee houses offer different types of raff coffee with their own preparations. For example, with salted caramel, almond, spicy.
  • Mocha. Another name is moccachino. According to the method of preparation, the drink is similar to latte, but chocolate is added to it. There are no strict rules on what kind of sweetness to add. Often use black, Belgian, chocolate syrup.

Milk drinks are suitable for those who do not like the bitterness of black coffee.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource