Distinguishing Camembert from Brie: Know your food

29.08.2023 19:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Camembert and Brie are both soft, creamy, and delicious French cheeses that are often confused due to their similar appearance and texture. 

However, there are subtle differences between the two that can help you distinguish them.

Let's find out the main features!

Rind Appearance

The rinds of Camembert and Brie are often white, bloomy, and soft due to the mold used during their production. 

However, Camembert rinds can sometimes develop a reddish tint, giving them a distinct appearance. 


Brie rinds typically remain a uniform white color.

Flavor and Aroma

While both cheeses are creamy and rich, Camembert tends to have a more pronounced and robust flavor compared to Brie. 

Brie's flavor is generally milder and buttery. Camembert's aroma can also be stronger and more pungent.

Interior Texture

Both cheeses have a creamy, oozy interior, but Camembert is often slightly firmer at its center compared to Brie. 

Camembert may have a more gooey and runny texture as it ripens, while Brie might maintain its creamy consistency.

Use and Pairing

Due to its more intense flavor, Camembert can be a bold addition to cheese platters and dishes. 

Brie's milder taste might make it a better choice for pairing with fruits, nuts, and milder accompaniments.


The ripeness of the cheese can affect the distinctions between the two. 

A young Camembert might be more similar to a Brie in terms of flavor and texture, while an older Brie might have more similarities to Camembert.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Rind Appearance
  2. Flavor and Aroma
  3. Interior Texture
  4. Use and Pairing
  5. Ripeness