Kombucha can help people with type II diabetes: A new study on healthy drink

18.09.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Individuals with type II diabetes should always control what they eat to keep their sugar level balanced.

Some food and drinks can help them achieve that - and kombucha seems to be one more good idea for them.

A new study shows that this drink can be pretty beneficial.

A surprisingly helpful drink

New experiment shows that people sick with type-II diabetes who drank kombucha, a special fermented tea, for one month had lower fasting blood glucose levels when compared to when they had a different, similar-tasting fake drink.

This is good news because it suggests that kombucha might actually help lower blood sugar levels in those ones with diabetes.


What is kombucha?

Kombucha is a special tea that has been around for a very long time, and it's made by fermenting it with bacteria and yeasts.

People have said it has health benefits, but there hasn't been much scientific proof.

How it was tested

In this experiment, some participants drank kombucha, and others had a fake drink for a month.

Then, they switched for another month. The ones who drank kombucha saw their fasting blood sugar levels drop, which is a good thing for diabetes.

The scientists also looked at the tiny living things in kombucha, and they found bacteria and yeast that might be helpful.

It might help people a lot in the future

This research is generally promising, but more experiments are needed to be sure that kombucha is genuinely helpful for diabetes.

If future studies show it works, it could be a simple and tasty way to help manage blood sugar levels for millions of patients with diabetes.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A surprisingly helpful drink
  2. What is kombucha?
  3. How it was tested
  4. It might help people a lot in the future