Not just a drink: Coffee cooking ideas

08.10.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Coffee is an amazing ancient drink that has plenty of positive effects on our well-being, but that's not all!

You can use coffee for many more things in cooking because of its flavor and taste.

Here are a few interesting ideas on how to use coffee to make your cooking better.

Coffee Rub for Meat

Mix ground coffee with spices like paprika, brown sugar, and salt. Rub this mixture on steaks or pork chops before grilling or roasting. 

It adds a smoky and rich flavor to the meat.


Coffee Marinade

Make a marinade by mixing brewed coffee with ingredients like soy sauce, garlic, and honey. 

Let your chicken or beef soak in this mixture before cooking. It infuses a unique coffee flavor and tenderizes the meat.

Coffee BBQ Sauce

Add brewed coffee to your homemade barbecue sauce. 

The coffee's bitterness complements the sweetness of the sauce and gives it a deep, complex taste.

Coffee Desserts

Coffee can enhance desserts like brownies, cakes, and chocolate mousse. 

Simply add a tablespoon of finely ground coffee or a shot of strong brewed coffee to your dessert recipes. 

It intensifies the chocolate flavor and provides a delightful coffee kick.

Coffee in Chili

For a twist on chili, add a shot of brewed coffee to the simmering pot. It gives the chili a rich and earthy undertone, making it extra flavorful.

Coffee Glaze

Create a glaze for roasted vegetables or meat by mixing brewed coffee with a bit of honey or maple syrup. 

Brush this mixture on your dishes before cooking for a sweet and savory combination.

Coffee in Gravy

When making gravy, replace some of the liquid with brewed coffee. It deepens the gravy's flavor and pairs well with roasted meats.

Coffee Oatmeal

Stir in a spoonful of finely ground coffee into your morning oatmeal. It adds a subtle coffee flavor and a little caffeine kick to start your day.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Coffee Rub for Meat
  2. Coffee Marinade
  3. Coffee BBQ Sauce
  4. Coffee Desserts
  5. Coffee in Chili
  6. Coffee Glaze
  7. Coffee in Gravy
  8. Coffee Oatmeal