Nutritionist's Opinion: What Are the Benefits of Chanterelles

11.08.2023 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Chanterelles are appreciated by lovers of quiet hunting and chefs of restaurants. These are some of the tastiest mushrooms available and also add eye-catching color and texture to any dish.

Health benefits of chanterelles

Chanterelles contain chinomannose, a biologically active substance that can kill arthropods and worms. Due to the large amount of vitamin A, mushrooms serve as an excellent prevention of eye diseases, assist in the treatment of night blindness, and restore the ocular mucosa.

This is an excellent product for fighting inflammation and preventing cancer. Chanterelles are used in cosmetology and medicine - for the treatment of boils, abscesses and sore throats. Orange mushrooms also improve the functioning of the pancreas and help cleanse the liver.

Do I need to cook chanterelle mushrooms

To begin with, it is worth considering that chanterelles are boiled before frying in order to get rid of the bitter taste that they sometimes leave behind. You can refuse to cook chanterelles if you are sure of the origin of the mushrooms. That is, they grew in the forest, not near the roadway, in an ecologically clean area.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Health benefits of chanterelles
  2. Do I need to cook chanterelle mushrooms